Monday, January 2, 2012

Pinning with a Purpose

I JUST recently got on Pinterest.  HOLY COW . . . I am hooked!  My sister is THE person to blame.  I asked her to "invite" me (really, why do you need an invite?!?!) so as every good younger sister should do, she did.  You might say that was the beginning of this crazy idea.

DISCLAIMER - Julie did tell me "you don't need to get of there and waste anymore of your time, you are already on the computer all day."  Thank you, younger sister, in a sarcastic tone : \ 

HOURS flew by and I had so many ideas and so not the energy to do them!  I started my picking the day after Christmas, WHO has energy the day after Christmas with 2 young children, three family holiday parties and so many meals to prepare all in 36 hours!  But I was up and at the computer picking away!

In just days I had 34 Boards, 1397 Pins and 3 Likes I cannot get rid of.  Time wasted . . . I think not! Take THAT Julie!

I have thought and thought about ALL the information available on Pinterest.  I want a practical application for the pins I chose; I cannot do 100+ crafts or make my family eat all those meats, breads, or sweets.  I can however, affect some sort of change using my pins, maybe do some good.  I am going to post a sign/words to live by/funny sayings everyday on Facebook.  I am going to take the advice given in the "sign" and blog about how it made a difference for me . . . in me.

Hope you follow along and maybe get something out of it too!

Happy Pinning!

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