Approximately 10 miles from our house is a Zoo . . . if you will! Really it is a small collection of birds, spider monkeys, and reptiles . . . amphibians.
We had seen it about a million times . . .traveling to and from the airport, Cancun, and other sites. We passed it and thought how could THIS be a zoo. It doesn't look anything like the Dallas Zoo, and Lord knows that place isn't top notch. It certainly doesn't look anything like the Ft. Worth Zoo. The Crococun Zoo, there on the highway . . . passed by many everyday . . . is quite unassuming.
A few years back we were down for a couple of week. Always being the kind of vacationers to pack a vacation full with things to do . . . sights to see . . . and little rest or down time. We finally decided to hit this place up! It was just the 4 of us and so we decided to see what it was about. We piled in the car and drove approximately 10km to the Crococun Zoo.
The lobby was under construction. We decided to stick with it. Just standing in the lobby . . . we were hot, dying of thirst and being bit by mosquitoes. We bought some waters and bug spray and headed off with our personal guide through the complex.
What set this zoo apart from all the others was that they offered a hands-on experience and so we decided to return again this trip.
Last time Jake was in a stroller . . . this time he was a full blown walking and not listening little boy . . . how I loved that stroller time!
We set out to arrive right after it opened . . . thinking 1 - it will be cooler in this not so cool spot located far from a beach and 2 - we will be most likely to have a private tour again.
Boys are dress, bug spray in hand, water bottles in the bag, snacks for the boys . . . and we are out the door . . . leaving all the lazy bones back at the house to sip on pina coladas . . . how I long to be back there being a lazy bone!
We arrived. We park. We know the drill . . . we go buy our tickets. Holy Shamoly! The lobby is nice, there is a breeze and there are mosquito bands for sale . . . $20! No cans, just these mosquito bands called Quitos. Side note - I got the name - looked them up when we got back to the house. They are NOT sold in the US . . . wonder why?!?!?! They last 15 days and would be perfect for scoots when he goes away to camp!
Clearly the bad US economy has hit here . . .prices went up and food for the animals decreased! Jake was free, Scoots was $15 and we were $25 each. The lady taking our money pulls out one bag of food. Last time we each received our own bag . . . each of us . . . AND now the guide has to hold the bags. Who knows . . . but we go with it and negotiate for one more bag of food. Seeing that she would be better off just giving in . . . she caves!
The other families join us . . .it is two couples each has a baby approximately one year old, bags and strollers. The loud guy cracks a not so good joke. My boys just look at him with the "really dude" face. He ended up being very funny and all were really nice.
We are off. First stop is the birds. The guide tells us about the birds, where they come from, what they eat and their special skill. Each child poses with a parrot.
Pictures all around - both children had no problem with the crocodiles! One of the grown men from the other group was scared . . . notice the mouth was rubber banded???
We next see iguanas. Big ones . . . small ones . . . green ones . . . and some not so greet. We are not allowed to hold these. But seriously several were larger than our youngest child who is 41" tall!
Once through the iguana exhibit aka looking at them through 3" glass which stand 5 ft tall while they are 2 to 3 feet below our level . . . because they can jump . . . Yup, good thing they are 8 feet below us!
Last time we were here the "wearing a snake" thing was kinda cool. Then once done I remembered it was a boa . . . so with that in mind I was more mindful of the boys wearing a snake!
Scoots is a pro but looks just a little uneasy. The father's picture from last time was one of sheer fear. This time he mustered a brave face for his boys!
Back to more snakes. We passed by probably 8 containers holding snakes from those found in Mexico, to the most venomous that they have, to the tree jumpers, garden snakes, green snakes, tiny snakes and then the mother of all snakes . . . an Anaconda!
Once the Anaconda spotted our youngest sons at 41" and 40 pounds it was hungry.
The guide informs us they are building a new enclosure for him with cement walls and bullet proof glass - it is needed because his strike is so powerful.
There was also a Burmese Python there . . . but it was far less interesting. Really after Britney did the whole dance thing with one . . . it has been overplayed!
As we entered we were met with the walking croc laying in the brush to the right of the entrance.
We precede up the path a few feet only to notice the croc in the water starting to thrash. He doesn't want us in there . . . he wants us to know he is unhappy.
One of the couples with the baby decides they are out!
Meanwhile . . . the water croc has gotten out of the water . . . and he is coming for us. Being someone who always had to have a plan . . . I decided if the croc got close enough . . . I would shove my Louis Vuitton demin bag in his mouth. It is probably the size of the couple's baby and who care if I lost the bag or if things became damaged - we would be safe . . . right . . . sure great plan!
Thankfully I still have my bag. The croc did come closer. He squatted on the edge of the path. We moved on down it and the croc sat there hissing at us. Loving this hands on encounter stuff!
The color on the Peacock was beautiful. They blue looked like it had a light on it.
The temperature was starting to heat up so our encounter ended at the right time. We would absolutely do this again . . . it is close to our house, reasonably priced and who knows what encounters we might have the next time.
Overall it was a fun, educational and a slightly scary encounter. This stull doesn't happen in Dallas or anywhere in the US. You can only do this kind of encounters in a country where business owners don't fear litigation.
We have so many fun stories to tell and lots of pictures to remind us. We asked Jake what was his favorite part . . . "Being chased by a crocodile." Not sure that is exactly what happened but that is his story and he is sticking to it!
Upon our return to the villa . . . the lazy bones were in the pool . . . the pina coladas were all gone . . . and the massage therapist had just arrived. Now THAT is my story and I am sticking to it!
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